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any person out of the barrony, if there be land enough there for his satisfaction, but only unto his right and proper place within the same.

3dly. Your petitioners humbly desire that they may have the full benefitt intended them by the severall Acts of Parliament in the matter of woods, and for as much as the latter Acts of Parliament seeme, though in words only, as your petitioners hope, to be more hard towards the adventurers then the proceeding Acts were, uppon which they adventured their money, your petitioners desire that your Lordshipps, in tender consideration thereof, would at least allow them the full benefitt as afforesaid of the said latter Acts, according to the most favourable interpretation that the words of them will beare, which, as your petitioners conceive, is, that not only the woods be cast in unto them, but likewise that the soyle allsoe wheruppon such woods doe grow bee not reckoned unto them as part of their measure.

4thly. Allthough your petitioners have allready desired that the agreement of the major part of the parties concerned may bee a universall exception to irregularityes, yet they desire, for the farther and more particular security of all those who, by such agreements, have made their distributions, subdivisions, and settlement by paralell lines, without regard to the former distinctions by plow lands, towne lands, &c., that such distributions by paralell lines may stand, where other injuriouse irregularityes and just causes of alteration are not found in such proceedings.

5thly. Whereas your petitioners have, by the third article of their above petition and declaration, submitted to your Lordshipps survey, with condition that noe land be reckoned to them as satisfaction which ought to bee cast in over and above their measure; and forasmuch as severall controversyes may arise thereuppon, the decision whereof, if not made in some speedy and regular way, may prove a great cause of delay and vexation to your petitioners; they therefore humbly pray that where complaints of errour as to profitable lands shall bee made, that your Lordshipps would appoint the clerke of the Councill, uppon application to them by the above Commissioners for regulation, to issue out such commissions of course to the sheriffs of the respective countyes, for empanelling juries, reviewing of lands where complaints are made, &c., as may be sufficient for the ends above mentioned; and that the determination of such wrongs, as allsoe the reparation of them where there is cause, may be in the said Commissioners, according to the above petition and declaration.

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