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the second, third, fourth, fifth, &c., your petitioners desiring that the same may bee for the future determined, and to that end they propound that every barrony, being duely quartered by rule, or the mutuall consent of the major part of the adventurers concerned therein as afforesaid, may bee reduced, as to the severall denominations comprehended therein, into one continued file or string of contiguity, soe as it may be certainly knowne, from the first to last disposeable denominations, or part of denomination, in what order of priority each of them shall be disposed of. And this wee desire may be don by three severall artists, from whome the knowledge of the lists of priority of lotts contained in the debt booke may bee carefully withheld; and that they make their said strings of contiguity in the presence of some persons to bee entrusted for that purpose; and that, when three such strings are soe made, that one of them be chosen by lott, as the only rule to be observed in the matter of succession.

4thly. They further propound, that the persons imployed in making the said files of contiguitie doe determine by what line every towne land shall be cutt, in case there bee occasion thereof, for making up a just number of acres, answering to each lott or debt.

Now, allthough it were to be wisht that the above mentioned rules of distribution, as being supposed perfect, had been followed in the adventurers former assuming of lands for satisfaction, yet hoping that the proceedings of many such adventurers, though made otherwise, have not been either contrary to their owne rules or injurious to their fellowe concernees, your petitioners humbly propound that distinctions may be made betweene such of the former distributions as are fitt to bee continued from such as are not; in order whereunto, they offer that a distribution bee made according to the above mentioned supposed perfect rule, forthwith, by such instruments as your Lordshipps shall thinke fitt, together with a like number to bee allsoe approved by your Lordshipps, such as shall be humbly recommended by your petitioners; and that the said distribution, being soe made, bee sealed up and kept private, untill examination be had of the afforesaid former proceedings of the adventururers; to which end it is humbly propounded:

1st. That a person or persons bee appointed att London and at Dublin, both to receive from all such adventurers as are allready possessed of lands for their satisfaction an accompt of what lands, by name, they are soe possessed of, with an intimation of their desire to continue in the same, in case noe injuriouse

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