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Instructions to Dr William Petty concerning the Setlement of the Adventurers.

H. Cromwell.

You are to goe to Grocers Hall, and there deliver the letters you have received from this board unto such committee or other persons as you shall understand to have most usually mett and acted in and about the setlement of the said adventurers.

You are to procure from them an answer to the said letters, and, having conferred with them of the severall causes and remedies of their unsetlement, you are, as often as there is occasion, to returne unto this board an accompt of your proceedings with the said committee uppon the said affaire.

Given att the Councill chamber in Dublyn, the 7th of May, 1658.

William Steele, Canc.
Ric. Pepys.
Mat. Thomlinson.


Whereas severall of the deficient adventurers doe dayly make applications to us for their satisfactions; and whereas, on the other hand, the army, conceiving that the county of Lowth, or part thereof, will fall unto them, the originall ten halfe countyes containing, as they suppose, a sufficient security for the whole debt of the adventurers, doe allsoe desire that computation be fortwith made whether any such surplusage doeth belong to them or noe; these are to lett you understand that wee are willing to contribute our uttermost help to both, and to that end have sent the bearer, Dr Petty, unto you, to acquaint you in what condition and forwardness things are here in order to the said ends, and to conferr with you about the way how, and by what persons, and where, according to rule, the said ends and finall setlement of the adventurers may bee accomplished, desireing you, as well in your private as publicke capacityes, to afford your best help uppon all occasions in prosecuting of the premisses, that the governement here be not causelessely ill thought of, that such who make advantages of the present confusion may bee discovered, that such as have only their just rights may bee confirmed therein, and that such adventurers as want it may bee speedily releived, the army receive the surplusage, if any be due, or knowne the contrary, soe as not to retard their other proceedings by a vain exspectation thereof, his

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