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Wexford, formerly impaired by the aforementioned assignement made to the said Generall George Monke, whereby the said 5860 acres are, by vertue of his Highness said ordinance, and the above mentioned order, drawne within the security of the army for arreares since 1649; and whereas the Lord Deputy and Councill, by their order bearing date the fifth day of this instant February, uppon considerations of certaine services done by Doctor William Petty, have given him leave to be satisfyed for certaine debentures due for service since 1649, in such places within the security appointed for the satisfaction thereof as he should desire; lastly, whereas by reason of severall former distribution of the lands lyeing uppon the mile line of the Shannon, betweene Loopshead and the county of Galway, itt doth not appeare that there are at present lands containing above 5860 acres undisposed of, if the north Liberties of Limericke should bee excluded, out of which the said Dr William Petty, by writings under his hand, bearing date the 24th instant, desired to bee satisfyed: wee, the Commissioners for setting forth lands to the army, doe, by vertue of a commission bearing date the 7th of July, 1656, and by vertue of the two speciall orders, the one of his Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland, and the other of the Lord Deputy and Councill aforementioned, hereby sett forth and assigne unto the said Doctor William Petty, his heires and assignes, for ever, the severall lands hereafter mentioned, vizt:
Which said lands doe containe in all, by admeasurement, 1453 accres, 1 rood, lyeing in the north liberties of the citty of Limerick, and are in satisfaction of 653li 19s 3d, being the 5⁄7 parts of 915li 10s 11d being the summe of certaine debentures stated for service done since the 6th of June, 1649, received and cancelled by the said Commissioners. Given under our hands and scales this 25th of February, 1657.
Vincent Gookin.
Miles Symner.
By the Commissioners for setting forth Lands to the Army.
Whereas his Excellency the Lord Deputy and Councill, by their order of the fifth of February, 1657, have ordered and agreed that Dr William Petty should have leave to purchase certaine debts and debentures due for service
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