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Esq., Receiver-Generall, bearing date the eigth of Aprlll, 1657, that there hath been discompted from the army for the use of the said Doctor only five thousand five hundred and eight pounds six shillings and six pence, being all that he knoweth hath come into the hands of the said Doctor; and whereas the said James Standish hath certifyed that about three hundred pounds of the said five thousand five hundred and eight pounds six shillings and sixpence was then unpaid unto the said Doctor, and hath since certifyed that the same that was soe behind was the just summe of two hundred and nineteene pounds seaventeene shillings and eight pence, and due unto him from certaine companyes in England belonging to the Irish army; and whereas the said James Standish hath certified that much of the aforesaid summe must bee repayed by the said Dr William Petty unto such who had paid him more then their due by mistake;
And it hath since appeared that the summe soe repayed doth amount unto seaventy-seven pounds, which, with the said two hundred and nineteene pounds seaventeene shillings and eight pence, maketh in all two hundred ninety-six pounds seventeen shillings and eight pence, being the full summe which the said Dr was over charged in the said five thousand five hundred and eight pounds six shillings and six pence, soe that two hundred ninety-six pounds seaventeene shillings and eight pence, being deducted out of the said five thousand five hundred and eight pounds six shillings and sixpence, there remaines five thousand two hundred and eleven pounds eight shillings and ten pence, as the utmost of what the said Dr William Petty hath received from the army, which being againe deducted out of the said eight thousand three hundred ninety-three pounds three shillings one penny halfe penny due from the army, there remaines three thousand one hundred eighty-one pounds fourteene shillings as the cleer debt to be satisfyed unto him in lands, according to the Councills order above mentioned, the which, with one thousand pounds debentures purchased and given in unto the said Commissioners by the said Dr, makes four thousand one hundred eighty-one pounds fourteene shillings and three pence.
Itt doth, uppon the whole matter, appeare that the said arreare yett due from the army unto the said Dr William Petty amounts unto the full summe of three thousand one hundred eighty-one pounds fourteene shillings and three pence, the which, with one thousand pounds in debentures purchased and given in unto the said Comissioners by him, the said Dr, makes four thousand one hundred eighty-one pounds fourteene shillings and three pence; in satisfaction
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