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remaine to be disposed of, over and above what was requisite to satisfye the whole debt hitherto admitted to satisfaction in each province respectively, att the Act rates, and according to the respective quota pars or proportion of the payment, the said Commissioners are then to dispose of the said remainder as followeth, vizt:
By vertue of a commission from his Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the affaires of Ireland, unto us directed, bearing date the seventh day of July, 1656, wee have sett out and assigned unto Dr William Petty, in satisfaction of the sum of four thousand one hundred eighty-one pounds fourteene 3578a 3r 36p shillings and seaven pence, the full number of three thousand five hundred seaventy-eight acres three roods thirty-six perches of lands profitable, at ten shillings per acre, amounting to the sum of one thousand seaven hundred eighty-nine pounds nine shillings and tenpence; and eight hundred thirty-three acres one rood and four perches of lands cast in, over and above, lyeing and being in the barrony of Balleboy; and two thousand nine hundred thirty-seaven acres one rood and twenty-eight perch of profitable lands, lyeing in the barronyes of Duleeke, Halfe-Fore, and Ratoth, at twelve shillings per acre, amounting unto one thousand seaven hundred sixty-two pounds nine shillings and two pence; and three thousand one hundred forty-eight acres three roods and twenty-two perch of profitable lands in the province of Ulster, at four shillings per acre, and one hundred thirty-five acres and two roods of lands cast in as unprofitable, amounting unto six hundred twenty-nine pounds fifteene shillings and seaven pence, according to the list of the par-
Itt seemed to mee as if they deemed that what should bee gained by the advantage of enhancement above depressed rates to bee in their owne dispose, and as it were alienated from the armyes security.
In fine, the said Lord Deputy and Councill, having then an high sence of his service and sufferings in this worke of distributing the lands, granted his petition in terminis; the which being carried to the commissioners to put in execution, they, out of an abundance and scrupulouse care of the States and armyes concernments, gave him the following order, but withall tyed him upp to the articles annexed thereunto, and herewith inserted.
By the Commissioners for setting forth Lands to the Army.
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