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desires may be granted before it bee to late, least he become as ridiculouse for his slackness herein, as he is to some odiouse for his strictness in your Lordshipps service.

And he shall, &c.
William Petty.

By His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

Uppon reading the within petition of Dr William Petty, desireing that such arreares of one penny per acre as are due from the army, and granted unto him by virtue of an order of this board, dated the 11th of February last, may bee satisfyed unto him out of lands as soe much due by debenture; 2dly, That he may bee permitted to purchase at least one thousand pounds debentures; and lastly, that he may have liberty to redeeme such lands as are mortgaged for more then their value att the respective Act rates doeth amount unto; and that he may receive satisfaction for the said arreares, and for such debentures as he shall purchase as afforesaid, and may withall make the said redemption in such places as he himselfe shall make choice of:

Ordered,—That the said petition, and all and every the branches thereof, bee granted and assented unto; provided that nothing be done by occasion thereof to the prejudice of the Commonwealth or the army. Dated at the Councill chamber, in Dublyn, the 6th of March, 1656.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

Now he the rather made application to the Councill, together with the generall, that if the lands to be disposed of as afforesaid, being most of them exceeding course, should by their indulgence bee eased of this duty of one penny per acre, they might, notwithstanding, make good the land to be sett out to him as he desired, even uppon another ground wholly within their owne power, the which power appeared to me in their order in the 4th of February preceedent, inasmuch as by these words, vizt, And having thereuppon compared the severall and variouse values of them, att the equalization rates sett by the respective agents, with the values of the same at the Act rates proper to each respective province, the said commissioners are to take care that, uppon the whole, the State suffer noe prejudice by the said equalizations and depressions of the said Act rates, whereby, having allsoe cleared what lands doe yett

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