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and for the Encouragement of Protestants to plant in Ireland; as allsoe of instructions from his Highness the Lord Protector, bearing the day of , whereby the power of the late Commissioners of Parliament is devolved unto and vested in us, wee doe hereby certifie, under our hands and seales, that the lands of , amounting unto acres, Irish measure, of profitable lands, &c., unprofitable, with the appurtenances, are, according to the said Act of Parliament, divided, sett out, and particularly allotted unto , his [heires] and assignes, in satisfaction of his arreares. In wittness whereoff, wee have herunto putt our hands and scales. Dated the day of .

About this time the adventurers moyety of the ten countyes, with the county of Lowth, and the barronies sett out to the disbanded anno 1653, were in measuring, as allsoe the courts were sitting amaine about claimes, in pursuance of a further liberty given for that purpose by an Act of parliamentary assembly held and begun the 17th of September, 1656, by reason whereoff it became impossible to know the state and extent of the dubiouse land abovementioned, nor of the new security exspected from the said adventurers moyety and Lowth, uppon returne of the said admeasurement; wherefore litle was done by the agents as to their orders of possession, nor much by the Commissioners, except the answering of such reprizalls, speciall orders, and references of the Councill, as particular persons procured; all which orders, reports, &c., are ready to bee produced, when occasion requires the same.

Having thus, perhapps in too slight a manner, run over the nature of this worke, one hundred times bigger and more difficult then in this orderly description thereoff it will probably bee conceived to bee, itt follows to tell next by whome itt was performed, vizt:

Dr Petty had soe much zeale to have this great and memorable worke well transacted, that he voluntarily tooke much paines and bestowed many thoughts thereon; which the army well perceiving was, as is supposed, the reason why they named him a trustee, and got him authorized for an instrument in their service by the commission above named. Dated the 20th of May, 1656.

Whilst that commission was on foot, allthough the other five did all of them performe the judicative and directive part of the worke, yet the management of the calculations, with the invention of the method and meanes to put the Commissioners generall directions into practice, lay wholly on him; and soe plyed, that on the same day, being the 10th of July, 1656, wheron the three

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