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Ffirst. Having computed what defects of satisfaction as to the proportion of the standing army in Leinster and Ulster, and of the 57 in Munster, have happened by reason of decrees, and have been authentically made out by or before the 20th of this instant February, and likewise what debentures have been actually brought in and tendered to bee satisfyed by or before the said day, they are to divide the value of the remainder of lands abovementioned proportionably betweene the summe whereunto the said defects doe amount, and the totall summe of the unsatisfyed debentures, according to the proportion of the standing army.

2dly. They are to distribute the part apportioned to the reparation of the said defects proportionably according to each of the said defects, bee the same greater or less, and to pay the said unsatisfyed debentures according to such a proportion, not exceeding the proportion of the standing army, as the part allotted for the same will extend unto; but uppon discovery of any new security, as from Lowth or else where, they are to take care that all such as for the present have received nothing, or short of the proportion of the standing army, bee first made equall, before any further satisfaction above the said proportion of the army bee added unto such as have allready received soe much. Dated att the Councill chamber in Dublyn, the 4th of February, 1656.

Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.

And uppon a new putting them in mind of the said former adresse, they issue the following order:

By His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

The Councill taking notice, by a late humble adress made unto them by the Commissioners for setting out lands to the army, that the said Commissioners have sett out lands unto every troope and company of the army, and, having allowed to some their full arreares, to others 14s 3d in the pound, whereoff about two shillings four pence is to bee satisfyed in Kerrey, and unto others but 12s 3d in the pound, and proposing that the other 2s may bee assigned out of lands of dubiouse and incumbred titles, and desiring some directions in that or other cases, having duely considered thereoff, thinke fitt that the said Commissioners in their delivering out the remaining summe for compleating the quota or respective proportions of 14s 3d, for satisfaction of such debentures only as

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