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4thly. What provision need bee made for reprizing of small parcells of Protestant land, church land, and undistinguished for want of meares.

[5thly]. And lastly, how a generall provision for all the said cases may bee made out of dubiouse lands withheld from disposure.

The accompt of this whole affaire consists allsoe in shewing how,

6thly. In setting out the 57 aforesaid to the three Munster lotts, wee repaired and pieced up the defects in each of their originall securityes, out of Kerrey, and in what proportions; how and by what rule wee equalized and pitched the rates; what exspedient wee used, by consent of the officers, for speedy and easy calculation; how wee followed the lotts and mutuall agreements of the parties concerned; how wee have determined in what precise spott even the smallest debenture is to bee satisfyed, by certaine lists of contiguities, both running parralell to each other, both as to the parcells of lands and debentures likewise.

7thly. In the particular accompt of the present and former distribution and rating of the severall barronyes and parishes in Kerrey, with digression to some proceedings at the last disbanding.

8thly. How wee answered the particular orders of references comming from the Councill; what accompts wee kept of reprizalls, resumptions, resignations, and the security wee tooke against fraudulent practizes incident on these occasions; and how wee decided all matters of indifferency by lott only.

9thly. Of the reasons why 57 can not soe well bee satisfyed in Leinster and Ullster as in Munster; how much, or in what quota or proportion wee may satisfie there; how wee may compleate itt to 57, with the consequences thereoff.

Considerations concerning the quota, vizt, of adheering to the 57 or striking it downe, with the manner thereoff, which arise from an estimate of debentures yet abroad, and lands withheld from disposure as dubiouse, with the small remnant of lands lyeing in the severall places and intervalls.

10thly. The accompt of this whole worke will allsoe lye

In the severall bookes, tables, and accompts which wee have made and fitted up since our present comission, received about the 10th of July last, according to the ensueing lists of them, vizt:

1st. Besides the originall bookes of survey, which have been severall times turned over, there hath been made by us certaine neat books, as large and voluminous as the said books of surveyes, containing the number of reference,


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