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their respective arreares, their severall proportions of lands, by lott or mutuall agreements, amongst the said officers and souldiers, in pursuance of the said authority, and of the further power and trust committed unto us by his Highness the Lord Protector, itt is ordered and declared that Vincent Gookin, William Petty, and Miles Symner, Esqrs., or any two or more of them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners for the equall distributing and setting forth to the officers and souldiers all the afforesaid forfeited lands, in satisfaction of the arreares due unto them for service in Ireland since the 6th of June, 1649, and for their English arreares due before the said 6th of June, 1649. According to the rules and directions given by the said Act, in the doeing of which the said Vincent Gookin, William Petty, and Miles Symner, are to take care and provide that due satisfaction bee from time to time had and made for all just reprizalls that are or shall bee adjudged and ordered by the Councill, or courts of justice, or such commissioners as by the said Councill are or shall bee authorized thereunto; as likewise for the answering the promise and engagement made with the disbanded officers and souldiers, in 1653, by the generall councill of the army. And what the said Vincent Gookin, William Petty, and Miles Symner, or any two or more of them, shall doe or act, in pursuance of this commission, they are from time to time to certifie to this board, in writeing, to the intent that such further proceedings may bee had thereuppon as shall satisfie the ends of the said Act. Dated at the Councill chamber, the 7th of July, 1656.

Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.

Itt is allsoe to bee noted, that the yett unsatisfyed part of the army, as by their adress to the Councill of the 13th of July, 1655, may appeare, would have the said disbanded men looked uppon as sufficiently paid; among other reasons, for that they had their arreares for service before 1649 paid unto them, which themselves were not to have, which difference is allsoe to bee noted.

The barronyes appointed to the said disbanded hapened to bee sett out in such an imperfect manner, and the trust thereoff soe far committed to the persons concerned themselves, that noe particular accompt of what was then done did ever appeare as a light to what was further to bee done.

There was another party, vizt, about sixty troopes and companyes, satisfyed, anno 1655, according to their full allowance, who left many scrapps and pieces

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