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and likewise of the twelvth article of the agreement before mentioned, whereby the said Doctor did covenant and engage to give in sufficient security for ffour thousand pounds, by bond or otherwise, for the true and full performance of all and every the said articles, which was accordingly done: it is uppon the whole thought fitt, and hereby ordered, that uppon the said Drs producing the certificat before mentioned unto the Chancellour and Cheif Baron of His Highness Court of Exchequer in Ireland, that then the said bond bee delivered up to the said Doctor to bee cancelled, and for soe doeing this shall be a sufficient warrant. Dated at the Councill chamber in Dublyn, the seaventeenth day of June, 1657.

Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.

By His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.


That the Surveyor-Generall or his deputy doe receive from Dr William Petty, and certifie under their hands and seales, their receipt into the Surveyor-Generalls office of the particular plotts and bookes of reference unto them belonging, fairely engrossed, of all the forfeited and other lands by him admeasured in the barronyes and countyes mentioned in the first of the articles made betweene him, the said Doctor, and the said Surveyor-Generall on the behalfe of the State, bearing date the 11th of December, 1654. Dated at the Councill chamber in Dublyn, the 17th of June, 1657.

Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councille.

In pursuance of an order of His Highness Councell for the affaires of Ireland, dated the 15th of June, 1657, commanding the Surveyor-Generall or his deputy to receive from Dr William Petty, and to give certificat under either of their hands and seales for receipt into the said Surveyor-Generalls office of the particular plotts and bookes of reference unto them belonging, fairely engrossed, of all the forfeited and other lands by him admeasured in the barronyes and countyes mentioned in the first of the articles made betweene him, the said Dr, on the behalfe of the State, dated the eleventh of December, 1654, I doe hereby certifie under my hand and seale to have received particular plotts, with bookes of reference belonging to the said plotts respectively, fairly engrossed and bound up, of all the forfeited lands, both profitable and unprofitable, within the bar-

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