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Alex. Staples. Wm Shaw. Jon. Ponsonby. Jo. Bennett. Jo. Thompson. Cha. Duke. Ja. Leigh. | Jo. Mansell. Jo. Ffreind. Jo. Ffranke. Edw. Warren. An. Yardley. Tobias Peaker. Ja. Russell. |
Edw. Warrington. |
By His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.
The Councill taking into consideration a late petition presented unto this board by the officers, agents, and others concerned in the lands sett forth for satisfaction of the army, representing unto this board that without a certificate under two of the Councells hands and scales, exspresseing the names and quantities of the severall parcells sett out unto them, they can not legally be deemed in possession, and that such certificates can not be made without allowing Dr Pettyes survey, nor can the commissioners for setting out lands to the army give any certificate as to the contents untill the said Dr have vouched the surveyes, the same being the ground work to all the rest; and the said Dr alledging that, before he vouched the same, he ought to have his bond and contract discharged, and thereuppon praying that the same may be granted him, provided thereby the petitioners bee not secluded from such reprizalls or just satisfaction as are due by the Acts and ordinances of Parliament; and whereas the Surveyor-Generall or his deputy is, by order of this board bearing date with these presents, required to receive and give certificat under either of their hands and seales for receipt into the said Surveyors-Generalls office of the particular plotts, and bookes of reference unto them belonging, of all the forfeited and other lands admeasured by Dr William Petty within the barronyes and countyes mentioned in the first of the articles made betweene him the said Dr Petty and the said Surveyor-Generall on behalfe of the State, dated the 11th of December, 1654; and whereas the Councill have considered of a former order of this board, dated the 15th of Aprill last, declaring that the Councill was well satisfyed with the said Drs ingenuity and industry in managing the worke of survey suitable to his trust and undertaking, noe errour or imperfection then appearing to them therein;