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annexed, I have examined the matter to mee referred, and there was produced before me a coppy of certaine articles of agreement, attested by Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill, to bee a true coppy, bearing date the 11th of December, 1654, made betweene Benjamin Worseley, Esqr., Surveyor-Generall, by the appointment of the Right Honourable the Lord Deputy and Councill of Ireland, on the behalfe of the Commonwealth, of the one part, and the said Dr William Petty on the other part, which said coppy is hereunto annexed; for performance whereoff the petitioner alledgeth a bond of ffour thousand pounds was by himselfe and others given; and which said articles the said Doctor William Petty affirmeth he hath performed, and for proofe thereof produceth before mee,

1st. The coppy of an order from your Lordshipps, dated the 10th of March, 1655, attested by Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill, whereby it appeareth that the petitioner then had tendered to your Lordshipps an accompt of the whole survey by him undertaken, and that the same was put then into a way of examination by your Lordshipps, whether the petitioner (re verâ) had performed the severall parts of his agreement, and whether there were any failure on his part, and wherein.

2dly. Hee produceth another order, dated the 11th of March aforesaid, and attested as afforesaid, whereby the premisses were referred to a committee of artists, which said committee, or any three or more of them, were to examine, by the best wayes they could, the truth of the originall ffield books and plotts relateing thereunto, and to enquire into the true performance of the exact method and keeping the said ffield bookes and plotts, and such other wayes as they should conceive fitt for the better examining and checquing the said worke, and for exsperimenting the truth of the said Drs undertaking.

3dly. Hee hath produced a coppy of the report of the said committee last mentioned, made unto your Lordshipps, bearing date the 17th of March, 1655, attested as afforesaid, the coppy whereof is hereunto annexed, whereby they, having declared unto your Lordshipps that they had considered the ability of the persons imployed in the ffield worke, the instructions given them, the method of the ffield books, the way of protracting and casting up, and what cheques were appointed for the said worke,—having considered of the said particulars, doe not exspress any dislike or exceptions to the performance of the said articles, by all the tests or wayes of examination exspressed to have been made by them; only they deliver their opinion that whatever fault might lurke in the

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