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to his highness the lord protectors councill for the affaires of ireland.

The humble Petition of Dr William Petty


That the time being now come when your petitioner ought, if ever, to bee discharged from his contract for surveying, and of his bonds given for performance of the same, hee humbly prayeth that the same may be done accordingly, before some of your Lordshipps, the judges, bee called from the Councill to the circuit, to the end that ample satisfaction may be given and taken from your Lordshipps granting of the same, and such as is suitable to the creditt and reputation of your petitioner herein.

Who shall ever pray, &c.
Wm. Petty.

By His Highnesse the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

Vppon consideration had of the within petition of Dr William Petty, praying to bee discharged from his contract for surveying, and of his bonds given for performance thereof; ordered, that it bee referred to Mr. Atturney-Generall Basill to consider thereoff, and of the contract made with the petitioner, and allsoe of all such orders of this board as relate thereto, true coppies whereoff are hereunto annexed; and uppon due consideration had of the said contract and orders, to report his opinion unto the board, whether it bee fitt the petitioner should bee discharged as yett of the said contract and bond. Dated at the Councill chamber in Dublyn, 23th of Ffebruary, 1659 [1656?]

Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.

In answer to this reference, after a terrible examination of all particulars, the Atturney-Generall makes the following report, vizt:

To the Right Honourable His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

May it please your Lordshipps,

In obedience to your Lordshipps order of reference to me directed uppon the petition of Dr Petty, bearing date the 23th of February, 1656, and hereunto

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