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Captain George Owen, the summe of ninety-four pounds, overpaid by mistake to your petitioner; both which summes of 94li, and 62li 7s 7d, are justly due unto your petitioner, as may appeare by the severall certificates annexed.
Wherefore your petitioner humbly prays your lordshipps to give warrant for the payment thereoff.
And hee shall pray.
By the Lord Lieutenant and Councill.
Considerations being had of the allegations of this petition, ordered that it bee referred to the Auditors-Generall, who are to examine and certifie the board a state of the account therein mentioned. Dated at the Councill chamber. Dyblyn, the 11th of February, 1658.
Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.
To His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill ffor the Affaires of Irelande.
In obedience to your lordshipps order of reference, bearing date the 11th of February instant, wee have examined the state of the accompts and demands of Dr William Petty, and doe certifie as followeth, vizt:
Wee find by a report, and the papers thereunto belonging, from Mr Standish and our selves, dated the 11th of Ffebruary, 1656, in part of 3784li 15s 4d due to the said Doctor, he acknowledged the receipt or satisfaction for 3170li 6s 7d, collected by Mr Standish from the severall regiments of the standing army; soe as there remained due unto him from your lordshipps but 614li 8s 9d, which he hath since released to the State.
2dly. We find that of the said 3170li 6s 7d, there hath been paid backe unto Sir Henry Ingoldsby, 20li; to Samwell Wade, for Sir Charles Coots use, 35li; to Paul Cudmore, for Collonell Saunders, 22li; and to Capten George Owen, 17li; making in all 94li.
3dly. Wee find that the said Doctor was never paid for admeasuring the barony of Owney Beg, in the county of Limricke; and that there is due for admeasuring the same, according to his contract, the summ of 62li 7s 7d; both which summes amount together unto 156li 7s 7d, and are justly due unto him.
18th of Ffebruary, 1658.
Ed. Roberts.
Robt. Gorge.