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thereby putting him under any probability for the obtaining thereof, which he is consented to accept for satisfaction, and thereuppon to acquitt the Commonwealth of his demand of 614li 8s 9d.

All which is humbly submitted to your Honours.
Edw. Roberts.
Ja. Standish.

By his Highness the Lord Protectors Counclll for the Affaires of Irelande.

Whereas it is certifyed by the report of James Standish, Esq., and the auditors of his Highness Court of Exchequer, uppon a reference from this board, dated the second instant, that there will remaine due to Dr William Petty, to compleat his satisfaction of 3784li 10sd, due unto him uppon his accompt passed the 28th of November last, over and above all that can bee collected from the troopes and companyes now in a course of pay with the army, and what hee hath been paid by warrant from this board, the summe of 614li 8s 9d; and whereas all such as received lands for satisfaction of their arreares were to contribute one penny per acre towards the charge which the Commonwealth had undertaken to beare for the admeasurement of such lands, according to an agreement of the 11th of December, 1654, with the army; and fforasmuch as both the said referrees and Dr Petty are satisfyed that there is more of the said contributions behind and unpaid, from such as have now noe growing pay with the army, then will make the said sum of 614li 8s 9d, which the said referrees see litle hopes to collect, and thereuppon have offered as their opinion, that in case the said Dr shall take uppon himselfe the labour and hazard of gathering up the said contributions, that hee be allowed an increase for the same, adequate to such his paine, industry, and hazard: whereuppon the said Dr Petty, by leave of this board, hath proposed that in case he may have orders from this board to collect the said arreares (as have been formerly granted) for his owne use and benefitt, and that likewise if he may bee indempnifyed by this Board for such acquittances as hee hath or shall give unto the souldiery for the contributions afforesaid, that then he is content to accept of the said arreare of contribution in satisfaction of the afforementioned summe of 614li 8s 9d.

The Councill, uppon serious consideration had of the whole matter, doe

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