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After the disbanding, anno 1655, there was collected by Mr. Standish the summe of.....

2186li 0s 2dIn both two thousand one hundred eighty-six pounds and two pence.

When the Committee of Artists had returned their report of the 17th of March, 1655, the auditors and Survey or-Generall make the following report:

To His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

In pursuance of your Lordshipps commands, we have mett and considered what moneys Dr Petty demands as a further advance on the accompt of the surveyes of Ireland, and how your Lordshipps may safely advance the said moneys to the said Doctor.

2008000ac profitable.And doe find by certificat from the said Doctor that he hath surveyed two millions and eight thousand acres of forfeited profitable land, part of which he hath subdivided to the late disbanded souldiers, besides the church lands and crowne lands, which, according to the rates in his contract, when the army shall bee put into possession of the whole, amounts unto about the summe of seaventeene thousand nine hundred pounds, of which he hath received, by your Lordshipps warrants, seaven thousand five hundred pounds, and from the army two thousand one hundred eighty-six pounds two pence, making in all nine thousand six hundred eighty-six pounds two pence, besides the money that is to bee deducted for the advance of former surveyes. Now, fforasmuch as the said Doctor hath not as yett passed his accompts, neither can he finally doe the same untill the army bee put into possession of their lands, and the said Dr may not bee streightned in his undertaking, wee humbly offer,

That three thousand pounds more bee paid the said Doctor uppon the accompt of the surveyes, which wee conceive humbly your Lordshipps may safely doe, consideration being had to the said Doctors security, and the proportion of the worke hee hath to accompt for, on the finall conclusion of this business.

Provided that noe more money may bee paid the said Doctor untill hee have compleated his undertaking, and past his accompt for the same.

All which wee humbly submitt, &c.

18th of March,

Ben. Worseley.
Edw. Roberts.

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