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fifteene hundred thirty-three pounds, eight shillings, and sixpence, the which being deducted out of the said 1954li 19s to bee reimbursed unto your Lordshipps by the said Dr Petty, there remaines due unto your Lordshipps the sum of ffour hundred twenty-one pounds, ten shillings, sixpence, which is the ballance of the whole accompt required from us by your Lordshipps. All which wee humbly submitt.

Ed. Roberts.

31 of March, 1657.

By his Highness the Lord Protectors Councill ffor the Affaires of Ireland.

The Councill having taken into consideration a report of the Auditors-Generall, dated the 31th of March last, made uppon an order of reference from this board, of the 25th of the said moneth, whereby they certifie that, having reviewed a former accompt by them exhibited to this Board, concerning the reimbursements which Dr William Petty was (pursuant to his articles of the 11th of December, 1654) to make, amounting, as was then conceived, to 2054li 19s, as soe much disburst uppon the grosse admeasurement, att 45s per thousand acres, in the 17th article mentioned, but, uppon further examination, find that there was but 1954li 19s actually and really paid, though warrants had issued to severall persons for payments thereoff; and that, uppon computing what is due to the said Dr for survey of the three countyes of Wicklow, Catherlogh, and Limricke, there appeared due (by the contents of acres surveyed) the sume of 1533li 8s 6d, deducting which out of the aforesaid sume of 1954li 19s to be reimbursed by the said Doctor, there remaines 421li 10s 6d, which is the ballance of the accompt; and uppon consideration likewise had of the said Drs petition and remonstrance, craving an allowance or mittigation of the said 421li 10s 6d, without which the passing and cleering his accompts is obstructed, the Councill, having duely considered thereoff, have thought fitt, for those and other considerations, and accordingly order that the said summe of 421li 10s 6d bee allowed to the said Dr uppon his accompt: provided, nevertheless, that if uppon future examination and compleating his contract and proceedings uppon the said surveyes, itt appeare that the said summe of 421li 10s 6d or any part thereof (notwithstanding his said reasons and remonstrance), shall not bee held fitt to be allowed him, that then the said summe, or such proportionable retrenchment as shall bee conceived meet, shall be subducted and reim-

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