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In obedience to your Lordshipps order of the 24th instant, requiring us with all convenient speed to prepare an exact and particular accompt of the contents of the severall baronyes of the three countyes of Wicklow, Catherlogh, and Limricke, as Dr Petty hath allready admeasured, according to the tenor of his agreement, wee humbly certifie that, according to our instructions received from the Surveyor-Generalls deputy, we have, with the best of our care and knowledge, examined the admeasurement of the preceeding baronyes, and find the particulars of their contents to bee as they are sett downe in the above columes.
Md That the examination of the countreys of Wicklow and Carlow was only betwixt plott and reference, noe civill survey or abstracts of them being yet returned into the Surveyor-Generalls office.
March 26th 1657.
Phillip Conway.
Hen. Moncke.
This day Henry Moncke and Phillip Conway deposed before mee that what they have above certified is trueth.
Sworne before me,
John Temple.
By his Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.
That the auditors of his Highness court of Exchequer doe review a former accompt of theirs, exhibited concerning the reimbursements which Dr William Petty was (pursuant to his articles) to make for the 2054li alledged to be disbursed uppon the gross admeasurement; and they are carefully to examine what monyes have actually been paid him uppon that accompt, with what else they may judge materiall in that bussiness. And it is further ordered that the said auditors doe uppon the accompt of the contents of the severall barronyes of Wicklow, Catherlogh, and Limricke, as delivered by Mr. Christopher Gough, and others by him appointed, uppon oath, compute, according to the contract of the 11th of December, 1654, what appeares to be due unto the said Dr Petty for his survey of the said baronyes; and withall to ballance the said accompt, and present the same for the further consideration of this board. Dated at the Councill chamber, in Dublin, the 25th of March, 1657.
Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.