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To His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.
May it please your Lordshipps, —
Wee have received backe from your Lordshipps the report given in by our selves uppon Dr William Petty's accompt for survey, dated the 26th instant, and have, according to your Lordshipps order, considered of the same againe, and, finding noe reason to alter any thing therein, have remitted the same backe to your Lordshipps; wee have likewise conferred with the said Dr William Petty, concerning such a declaration and order of discharge of the said accompt as wee humbly conceive is fitt to pass your Lordshipps, and having drawne it up, doe likewise therewith, and with our said former report, humbly tender and submitt the same unto your Lordshipps.
27° No. 1656.
Ed. Roberts.
Rob. Gorge.
By His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.