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referred to the auditors of the Exchequer, but put of againe only untill I should have past the examination, which hath been since done.

8thly. The whole undertaking was performed precisely within the time, beyond all mens exspectation, notwithstanding whatever I promised or undertooke, ffor which some putt me in hopes of an extraordinary gratuity.

9thly. This worke, which hath been soe exactly performed and rigorousely examined, hath not cost the State soe much as former gross surveyes have done.

10thly. I have my selfe, in many cases, given unto such as have wrought under me double allowance to their respective agreements.

11thly. I humbly desire your Lordshipps to testifie your acceptance of my endeavoures by your favour herein, uppon which I only rely, notwithstanding all the just motives aforementioned.

Whereuppon their Lordshipps issue the following order:

By His Highnesse the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

The Councill having considered of the third proposall of Dr William Petty, praying that the Councill would, before the army be satisfyed their respective proportions of land, bee pleased to state and agree what is due for measuring the same, as allsoe of the fourth proposall, praying that hee may bee allowed for his worke according to his account now exhibited, notwithstanding some part of the subdivision is not yett actually performed. As to the third proposall aforementioned:


That it bee referred to the Auditors of His Highness Court of Exchequer to consider thereoff, and to state the said Doctors accompt for what shall appeare due unto him uppon the contract of his admeasurement of the lands for satisfaction of the arreares of the army. And the said auditors are further required to consider of the said Drs fourth proposall; and according thereunto, and the contents of the barronyes which the said Dr hath admeasured, and as returned unto this board by Captain Allen, Richard Delawne, and William Hopkins, or two of them, herewith sent them, to state and compute the debt, according to the quantity thereby certifyed, and agreeable to such rates as the said auditors have formerly accounted them att, pursuant to an order of this board, dated the third day of March last, together with the accompt of the barrony lines, and to cer-

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