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are joyned with other great parcells of land which are wholly unprofitable, and, being added together, are above five hundred acres.

8thly. They find large scopes of land returned partly profitable, partly unprofitable, where there is noe manner of distinction or possibility of checque to know which is either, of all which they have in the annexed paper offered some particular instances.

Besides which errors and defects in the returne of the said survey, I find that the Doctor is by his contract bound,

1st. Actually to subdivide and sett out by the instrument to each officer and soldier the land due to them respectively, according to their respective arreares.

2dly. Carefully to returne by admeasurement with the instrument the outmeares and bounds of all and every the barronyes within the severall countyes specified in his contract, to the end that as well the civill bounds and meares of each barrony may be the better knowne and preserved, as that perfect mapps may be had both of the said countyes and barronyes.

3dly. To deliver into the Surveyor-Generall his office particular platts, with bookes of reference fairly engrossed belonging [to] the said platts respectively of all the lands admeasured by him, noting and mentioning likewise all such subdivisions of lands as shall bee made to each particular person.

4thly. That he is by the said contract to deliver the platts and bookes of all crowne lands, and of all lands belonging to any archbishopp, or other officer of that hierarchy, distinctly by themselves, that is to say the platts and bookes of forfeited lands by themselves, and the lands belonging to the bishopps and other officers of that hierarchy by themselves.

5thly. That besides such platts and bookes of reference returned for the use of the Commonwealth as aforesaid, the said Doctor is by his contract to deliver soe many other mapps, platts, and books of reference belonging to them, as shall demonstrate to each officer and souldier the severall proportions of lands due to them, provided noe mapp were required of proportions less than a thousand acres.

6thly. The said Doctor is by the said contract bound to reimburse and pay backe to the Commonwealth all such summ and summs of money as either had been then paid, or such other summs as might justly and lawfully bee demanded from the Commonwealth, to bee satisfyed and paid in reference to a former agreement made with certaine persons for admeasurement of part of the said

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