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taking, and, uppon the whole matter, bee enabled to report unto this board whether, re vera, the said Dr hath performed the severall parts of his agreement, whether there bee any failure on his part, and wherein; and to offer further what they conceive necessary touching the same.

Dublyn Castle, the 10th of March, 1655.
Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

On the 11th of March, the abovementioned referrees mett at the Councill chamber, whether the Doctor brought above fifty surveyors, soe as any of them might protract, ex tempore, any ffield notes that should unawares to him bee called for, that itt might appeare that the same ffigure arose from such protraction out of the field notes, as had been before exhibited in the respective plotts, and that the joining and comparing of common lines might bee tryed.

The whole morning was spent in discourses uppon the best, speediest, and surest method whereby to make the intended examination; Collonell Thomlinson being, pro re nata, in the chair, as one who tooke a more speciall care for the punctuall peformance of the worke, as well for the Drs creditt and security as the States advantage: the result of all being what is exspressed in the following order, vizt:

By His Highnesse the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

Whereas Dr William Petty hath tendered unto this board an accompt of his proceedings uppon the downe survey of the forfeited lands, both profitable and unprofitable, within the barronyes of the ten halfe counties appointed by lott for satisfaction of the arreares of the officers and souldiers in Ireland, mentioned in the late Act for satisfaction of adventurers and souldiers; as allsoe of the downe surveyes of the countyes of Wicklow, Wexford, Kilkenny, Kerry, Longford, Corke, Kildare, Tyrone, Derrey, and Donnegal, being the additionall security appointed towards satisfaction as aforesaid; and of all the forfeited lands not yet disposed of or sett within the countyes of Dublyn, Catherlogh, and the remaining part of the county of Corke; and of all crowns lands, and lands formerly belonging unto archbishopps, bishopps, deanes, deanes and chapters, and others of that hierarchy, within any part of the said countyes: the Councill, having taken the same into due consideration, have thought fitt, and doe hereby order, that Major Anthony Morgan, Major Symner, Captain Mullineux, and

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