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may forthwith receive 3000li, whereby in some measure to stopp the clamoures, for the present, of some hundreds of poor people; and that the remainder bee paid him at Dublyn, in good sterling money, according to the contract; soe that your petitioner, after the many dangers and vexations he hath night and day all along endured, bee not at last rewarded with ruine and calamity.

Whereuppon the Councill issue the following order, vizt:

By His Highnesse the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

Whereas Dr William Petty hath tendered unto this board an accompt of his proceedings of the downe survey of the forfeited lands, both profitable and unprofitable, within the barronyes of the ten halfe countyes appointed by lott for the satisfaction of the arreares of the officers and souldiers in Ireland mentioned in the late Act for satisfaction of the adventurers and souldiers, and of the downe surveyes of the countyes of Wexford, Wickelow, Kilkenny, Kerrey, Longford, Corke, Kildare, Tyrone, Derry, and Donnegal, being the additionall security appointed towards satisfaction as aforesaid; as alsoe of all the forfeited lands not yet disposed of or sett out within the counties of Dublyn, Carlow, and the remaining part of the county of Corke, and of all crowne lands and lands formerly belonging to the archbishopps, bishopps, deanes, deanes and chapters, or others of that hierarchy, within any part of the said countyes; the Councill, having taken the same into consideration, doe hereby order that Collonell Hewson, Collonell Sankey, Collonell Lawrence, Major Morgan, Benjamin Worseley, Esq., Major Symner, Captain Webb, and Captain Mullineux, doe, uppon Thuesday, the 11th instant, att nine of the clocke in the morning, attend the committee of the Councill appointed to consider of the said accompt, att the Councill chamber, to the end that then and there the articles of agreement made betweene the Commonwealth and the said Dr Petty, for performance of the said downe admeasurement, may be perused, and a serious view taken of the originall and other plotts and ffield bookes, with what else relates thereto, and that, by comparing the said downe admeasurement with the civill surveys made concerning the said forfeited lands, and examining such part of the premisses as they shall thinke fitt, they, the said committee of the Councill, with the help of the said asistants, may from thence, and by such other wayes and meanes as shall bee found exspedient, informe themselves concerning the true performance, method, and usefullness of the said downe survey, for answering the ends of that under-

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