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board, or such as they shall appoint, are fully impowered and authorized to distribute and set forth unto the said officers and souldiers, answerable to their respective arreares, their severall proportions of lands, by lott or mutuall agreement amongst the said officers and souldiers; and whereas this board hath, by certaine resolves bearing date the 9th of this instant May, concluded,

1st. That all the forfeited lands in the three provinces lyable to the satisfaction of the arreares due to the army (excepting the three counties of Wicklow, Longford, and Donnegall) bee distributed and sett out to the officers and souldiers of the army, to satisfie all arreares due unto them for service in Ireland since June, 1649, and alsoe for their English service due before the 6th of June, 1649, according to the Acts and ordinances of Parliament, or of His Highness the Lord Protector and Councill, made in that behalfe.

2dly. That all the forfeited lands as aforesaid, in each county and barrony within all the said provinces allready admeasured by Dr Petty, be accepted of by the army, according to the contents of the survey returned by the said Doctor.

3dly. That the trustees be named by the army, who shall bee impowered and authorized from this board, to distribute and sett forth the said forfeited lands lyable as aforesaid to satisfie the arreares of the army, unto the officers and souldiers in the three provinces answerable to their respective arreares.

4thly. That the said trustees shall take care and make effectuall provision that due satisfaction be had and made for all just reprizalls that are or shall bee adjudged and ordered by the Councill or courts of justice, or such commissioners as by the said Councill are or shall bee authorized.

5thly. That the said trustees doe likewise take effectuall care and make provision, and that a due and equall satisfaction be given to the officers and souldiers disbanded in 1653, according to the promise and agreement made with them from the general councill of the army; all which resolves, as appeares by a paper presented unto this board, dated the 9th instant, and signed by Sr Hardress Waller, in the name and by the appointment of severall principall officers of the army, were gratefully accepted of; and for as much as in the said paper Collonell Daniell Abbot, Collonell Thomas Sadler, Major Anthony Morgan, Vincent Gookin, Esq., Dr William Petty, and Major Miles Symner, were by the said principall officers proposed as fitt persons to be trustees for prosecuting the business mentioned in the said resolves of this board, and that

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