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then and there present did subscribe, some a months pay, others 3 weeks, and some one weeks pay; and it is to be understood that the fortnights and the weeks pay to bee proposed should not be exacted from any persons, or any be compelled to pay the same; but that such of the officers and souldiers as would be free therein should contribute, but otherwise nothing to be expected from them.

Concerning the Arreares of Widows, &c.

A petition was drawne, and ready to be presented to the Lord Deputy and Councill, that the widows, orphans, and maimed and impotent souldiers, might be speedily put into the possession of their arreares; but after some consideration had thereof, they thought fitt rather, by Sir Jon Reynolds and Collonell Sankey, to offer the same verbally, which was done accordingly; and the Lord Deputy and Councill returned for answer, that they would take care that the said widows, &c., should be speedily satisfyed.

The councill made a report to the Lord Deputy and Councill, in answer to that reference which concerned the disbanded forces, and the arrears before 1649.

Notwithstanding which, the said Lord Deputy and Councill returned for answer to the aforesaid petition for plenary satisfaction, that, for ought then appeared unto them, they did not thinke fitt to recced from their former order for satisfyeing of two-thirds.

The next proceedings of the councill of agents was: they presented a petition to the Lord Deputy and Councill, that the profitts of all the lands belonging to the armyes security might be assigned over into the hands of such agents as the army should appoint, from May last, and soe to continue till the downe admeasurement.

Certaine resolves passed the councill, which, in conclusion, they contracted in this one, vizt:

That the aforementioned committee of agents should consider and draw up, for the debate of the whole councill, such proposalls as they should thinke conducible, in order to the making of a good and sound title to the souldiery for their lands which they shall possess for their arreares, and severall other matters relating to the wellfare of the army.

The councill of agents being mett at the Castle, as formerly, the report was

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