that a larger measure of that fortitude which, by a special gift of the Lord, was bestowed on Peter, should be always given to you as often as you are present with the person of Peter, who lives in his successors; and touch only the soil of this City, which the toil and the triumphal blood of the sacred Prince of the Apostles has watered. Nay, venerable brethren, we have never doubted but that out of the very tomb where the ashes of blessed Peter rest for the perpetual veneration of the world, a secret power and healing virtue goes forth to inspire the pastors of the Lord's flock with daring strength, great courage, and nobleness of mind; and this, by renewing their power, makes the bold audacity of the enemy, which is no match for the virtue and power of Catholic unity, to sink and fall in a conflict so unequal.'
To this the bishops unanimously answered—
'While, looking up to the heavenly Jerusalem, that rejoices in the glory of her new Saints, we recognise and set forth the wonderful works of the Lord, we take part more fervently in the present celebration, as contemplating, in the solemnity which this day brings round again, the unshaken firmness of the Rock whereon our Lord and Saviour built His Church, solid and perpetual. For we perceive it to be an effect of the power of God, that the Chair of Peter, the organ of truth, the centre of unity, the foundation and bulwark of the Church's freedom, should have stood firm and unmoved for now eighteen