Twenty years ago many did so. But the light of day, and their own good sense, has destroyed this superstition. They know us to believe in many mysteries of the supernatural order; but they profess to believe in supernatural mysteries themselves. They cannot call us superstitious or credulous, without accepting the name themselves. They are coming also to see that the supernatural order needs a more solid and stable foundation than they can find in the midst of their many contradictions; they see that at last they are compelled in argument to rest upon the witness and testimony of Christendom. But for whom does Christendom bear its witness? The day is past for appeals to antiquity. If Christianity and the Christian Scriptures are to be maintained in controversy against sceptical criticism, the unbroken, world-wide witness of the Catholic Church must be invoked. This consciousness of dependence has worked like a benign influence upon the minds of those who believe Christianity to be a divine revelation, and the books of Scripture to be inspired. And I joyfully bear witness that a pious belief in these two divine truths pervades the English people. In saying this I do not forget the materialism, ignorance, indifference, practical atheism of millions. Nevertheless the Christian tradition of England, though grievously mutilated and robbed of its divine authority, still survives. There are in the Anglican communion, and among Nonconformists, millions who believe in Jesus Christ, His person and His redemption, with a heartfelt and loving faith; and their faith bears noble fruits. Many of their errors