the needs and perturbations of the Christian world will have a powerful effect to convince and to persuade, to mitigate and to subdue. If the proclaiming of an amnesty dissolves the organisation of political sedition by appealing to the hearts of men, how much more must the call of the Church of Jesus Christ to peace and charity attract the elements of faith and piety which are scattered among the divisions of Christendom? It is a heavenly invitation to 'men of good will,' and by some it will be surely heard. Call it superstition or dreaming, as men may, I am confident that the spectacle of the Church deliberating in Council on the wounds and miseries of the Christian world, will sink into their hearts. A virtue will go out of it, and a manifold influence will spread from it which will powerfully affect the intellect, the conscience, the will, the whole spiritual nature. The sun and the shower ripen the fruits of the earth, whether we will or no. The seed of the kingdom springs even among the tares, while men sleep. The action of the Church upon the world is beyond the power of man to exclude or to control. He may shut his eyes, but he cannot cover the sun. He may turn his back to the light, but he cannot darken the earth. Moreover, there is another power which will work with us. 'Spiritus Domini replevit orbem terrarum.' The Spirit of God is working internally in all men. And when the Church speaks to their ear, the Spirit moves their hearts to answer. There will be lights in the reason, promptings in the conscience, aspirations in