I know that cloud, it is collecting new wrath to spend on my head." Then checking his horse he permitted me to descend, saying, "farewell, Mr. Dunwell, I shall be happy to see you in Boston, I live in Middle Street."
It is uncertain in what direction Mr. Rugg pursued his course after he disappeared in Broadway; but one thing is sufficiently known to everybody, that in the course of two months after he was seen in New York, he found his way most opportunely to Boston.
It seems that the estate of Peter Rugg had recently escheated to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for want of heirs, and the legislature had ordered the Solicitor General to advertise and sell it at public auction. Happening to be in Boston at the time, and observing his advertisement, I felt a kindly curiosity to see the spot where Rugg once lived. Taking the advertisement in my hand I wandered a little way down Middle Street, and without asking a question of any one, when I came to a certain spot I said to myself, "this is Rugg's estate, I will proceed no further; this must be the spot, it is a counterpart of Peter Rugg." The premises, in-