Popular Song of the Day
(This beautiful ballad from the pen of Mr. Dashe M)off is entitled "Do Not Take the Doorknob From the Door," and is sung with great success by Henry Irving, Robert Downing. Eleanor Duse and other comedians. Professional copies on application. Pirates beware. Lew Dockstader please write. Regards to the Brutal Brothers.)
A young man stood before his home,
He came to say good-bye; He pressed his hand against his brow
And slowly wiped his eye. His trunk was packed and he must leave
For a city far away. He raised his hat and called farewell,
And then to his old mother he did say:
Chorus — Do not take the doorknob from the door! Leave it there to greet me as of yore.
Often in the snow and sleet
Of my old home I will weep! Do not take the doorknob from the door.
His mother stood before the house
And saw his footsteps go; She sobbed alone in her sad grief
That mothers only know, And through eternity she heard
Her son so blithe and gay, Call as he did on that dread morn,
When unto his old mother he did say:
Chorus —
(With much feeling and expression.) Do not take the doorknob from the door! Leave it there to greet me as of yore. In the Summer's heat and rain It may be that I will came. If you do not take the doorknob from the door.
— Baltimore American.
Said a seal, who immodesty hates, To a polar b'ar, one of her mates, "Your necktie pray wear. For I simply can't bear A bare b'ar, his b'ar-bear-ity grates."
— Leslie's Monthly.
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