of a dark brown colour, with a glint of
gold in it, and it goes grievously against her grain that to protect it from the clutches of pulleys and belts it has to be hidden under her cap. When the lady-superintendent is in sight up it goes, every hair of it, and her face is as bare as a nun's; but the moment the superintendent has turned her back down it comes in an instant, and her kiss-curls are twiddling over her temples.
Tommy's sister is proud of her leather bag, which is certainly a presentable possession which in its spruce freshness would put to shame at least fifty per cent, of the brief bags to be seen in the neighbourhood of the Temple. One of Tommy's little sisters (eleven years of age), having earned five shillings for her first week's work, was asked what she was going to do with her wages. "Buy a tashy case (attaché) like muvver's and Cissy's," she said.
Tommy's sister is just as courageous as Tommy himself, but when she gets her