area was formerly a motor factory. Its
long garage is now half full of taxis which are lying up, but its workshops are breathlessly busy. They are chiefly occupied with the manufacture of the larger-sized shells and are especially interesting as showing men and women working together. In a huge shop, which is pulsing and throbbing with machinery, seven hundred and fifty of them are face to face or side by side. It is a stirring sight. The women are generally of larger build than we have seen before, and some of them are superb specimens of virile womanhood. The men are of a big type too, for the work here wants strength. As far as one can see the sexes get on well together. Common interests and common labour seems to have brought them into friendly relations. Constant intercourse at work appears to have given the men a high opinion of women, of their steadiness and power to endure. In like manner the women seem to have come to a good understanding of the men, their helpfulness