and talking about Will and the baby.
How he would love it! And wasn't it like him? The living picture! As soon as ever the doctor would let her sit up she would write Will such a letter!
Lil's mother found it as much as she could bear to listen and be silent, and when the girls came in twos and threes (nobody dare trust herself alone) to see the baby, they soon had to find an excuse for running out of the room, lest they should blubber in the little mother's happy face. Thus a fortnight passed, and by that time Lil had conceived a great and wonderful scheme—to have her baby photographed by a photographer, whose studio was in the next street, so that she might post it to Will and give him a delightful surprise. Only she must take baby herself, and have it photographed in her lap, and for this purpose, as mother, having lodgers, could not leave the house, one of the girls must please go with her.
It was growing tragical in the factory.