One of them, with reference to his children, was very odd, and altogether opposed to the usual practice of the world. It was this,—that they should be allowed, as far as was practicable, to do what they liked. Now the general opinion of the world is certainly quite the reverse—namely this, that children, as long as they are under the control of their parents, should be hindered and prevented in those things to which they are most inclined. Of course the world in general, in carrying out this practice, excuses it by an assertion,—made to themselves or others—that children customarily like those things which they ought not to like. But the judge had an idea quite opposed to this. Children, he said, if properly trained would like those things which were good for them. Now it may be that he thought his daughter had been properly trained.
'He is a very clever young man, my dear; you may be sure of that,' were the last words which the judge said to his wife that night.
'But then he has got nothing,' she replied; 'and he is so uncommonly plain.'
The judge would not say a word more, but he could not help thinking that this last point was one which might certainly be left to the young lady.
On the following morning, according to appointment, the judge visited Felix Graham in his room. It was only the second occasion on which he had done so since the accident, and he was therefore more inclined to regard him as an invalid than those who had seen him from day to day.
'I am delighted to hear that your bones have been so amenable,' said the judge. 'But you must not try them too far. We'll get you down stairs into the drawing-room, and see how you get on there by the next few days.'
'I don't want to trouble you more than I can help,' said Felix, sheepishly. He knew that there were reasons why he should not go into that drawing-room, but of course he could not guess that those reasons were as well known to the judge as they were to himself.
'You sha'n't trouble us—more than you can help. I am not one of those men who tell my friends that nothing is a trouble. Of course you give trouble.'