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General Index.

:Partible inheritance, 154 et seq.; in England, 182, 197, 251, 276, 288, 312, 335, 347, 358, 372; in Kent, 182; in London, 251; in Denmark, 161; in Germany, 154, 156, 160; in Sweden, 158

Pecsetna, race, 339
Pembrokeshire, 376 et seq.; Angle place-names in, 377; dialect of, 378; ogham inscriptions in, 379; borough-English in, 379
Pharadini, vide Waring
Phrissones, vide Frisians
Phundusii, people, 74
Polabians, tribe, 93, 94
Pomerania, Anglian runes in, 44, 101; inheritance in, 149, 256
Primogeniture, 144, 147; rural, 152 et seq., 160, 252, 308; feudal, 154, 157, 161, 252
Proof, right of, 172, 297, 299

Quain, vide Fin
Quen, vide Fin
Quénland, 381

Rape of Lewes, 196, 353
Rapes, 203
Regiam Majestatem, 309
Reidgotaland, 75
Reidgoths, 54
River-names, tribal origin 230, 326
Rolls of Oleron, 255
Roman roads, 105, 245, 277, 306, 385
Rügen, island, 47, 87, 234, 329; legends of, 239 et seq.
Rugians, Rugini, 86 et seq., 90, 93, 94, 97, 99. 223, 234, 237, 364
Runes, 40 et seq.; Anglian, 40, 327 Anglian, in Pomerania, 44, 101; in Sweden, 40, 61, 198; Gothic, 40, 46 absence of, on fixed objects in Germany, 42, 284; at Sandwich, 102, 186; in Northumbria, 328; in Shropshire, 385
Ruthenians, 134
Ruthwell Cross, runes on, 41, 328

Sælings, tribe, 142
Sal, Salmen, Saling, tribe, 142, 382
Salic Law, 145
Saxland, 20
Saxnot, 11, 20, 24
Saxon place-names, 19, 201, 283, 302, 360
Saxon shore, 19, 25, 189, 358
Saxons, 18 et seq., 69, 158, 208, 213, 215, 267, 283, 293, 348, 352, 357, 360, 369, 385, 386
Scætt, a coin, 193
Scandinavian place-names, 143, 203, 219, 295, 300, 304, 340, 356, 365, 370, 375, 382
Scandinavians, 38 et seq., 42, 50 et seq., 60, 219, 226, 266, 292, 295, 305. 308, 329, 332, 337, 366, 369, 374
Scilly Isles, 364
Scride Finns, 127
Scrobsetan, tribe, 384
Sem, root in place-names, 200
Semer place-names, 330
Shire Court, 175
Shires, ancient Norwegian, 177; primitive English, 177, 178, 329, 358, 370; organisation of, 179
Shropshire, 361, 384 et seq.; Anglians in, 385; coscets in, 387; dialect of, 386, 389; homesteads in, 350; Scandinavian place-names in, 376.
Sibscraft, 170
-side place-names, 332
Sippe, 167 et seq.; place-names, 171
Skulls, Batavian, 31, 83; brachy-cephalic, 31, 117, 192; dolicho-cephalic, 31, 117; prognathous, 128, 130, 244; from Saxon cemeteries in Germany, 31; in England, 32, 116, 207; 243 et seq.
Slavonic tribes, 93 et seq.; settlers, 84 et seq., 104, 132, 197, 227 et seq., 237 et seq., 264, 282, 287, 303, 341, 344, 363, 372; folklore, 239, 330, 341, 363; inheritance among, 99, 150
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