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General Index.


:Lochlanders, Lakelanders, 63
London, 245 et seq.; cottars in, 262 freedom of people of, 251; freedom from wager of battle in, 254; inheritance in, 250, 256, 258; Kentish occupation of, 246, 247 et seq.; trade of, 254; wealth of Saxon London, 249
Lund, 61, 124, 143, 303
Lund place-names, 303
Lutitzes, tribe, 93, 234, 355

Mæden, vide Mægth
Mægasetas, tribe, 169, 339, 384
Mægth, organization, 163 et seq.; place-names, 169, 170
Maiden, vide Mægth
Malmanni, tenants, 332
Marcomanni, tribe, 155
Maritime regulations, 255; Judgments of Damme, 256; Law of Wisby, 255; Rolls of Oleron, 255; usages of Amsterdam, 255; lay days, in London, 256; in Wisby, 256
Men of Havel, 92, 230, 237, 283
Men of Kent, 192
Meonwara, tribe, 230
-mer, -mir, place-names, 151, 200
Mercia, 178 et seq., 335 et seq.; Danes in, 337, 340; Frisians in, 345; homesteads in, 346; inheritance in, 335, 350; tribes of, 339; Wends in, 341, 344
Merscwara, tribe, 192
Middle Angles, 336, 339
Middlesex, 250, 260 et seq.; cottars in, 263; inheritance in, 251, 256, 257; Kentish settlers in, 261, 262 et seq.
Minorat succession in Germany, 200
Mir, communities, 150
Mœso-Goths, 159, 194
Monetary computation, Greek andRoman, in England, 56; Scandinavian, in England, 56, 194, 228, 333, 341, 388
Mongol tribes, 128, 151
Monmouthshire, 370, 374, 390; shires in, 370

Nail, limit of kindred, 169
Norfolk, 281, 283 et seq., 286, 292; Danish place-names in, 287; inheritance in, 289; Saxon place-names in, 283
Norrena language, 123, 124, 136, 220, 227, 288, 367, 374, 382
Norse, race, 64; customs of inheritance, 152 et seq., 202; place-names, 204, 220, 365, 370, 375, 376, 382
Northamptonshire, 338 et seq.; Danes in, 340; homesteads in, 350; Slavic folk-lore in, 341
Northmen, 59, 63, et seq., 220, 302; agricultural custom of, 331 et seq.
Northumberland, 311, 318, 324, 333; dialect of, 324; Frisians in, 324 et seq.; runes in, 40
Northumbria, 307 et seq., 322 et seq.; Anglians in, 308, 319, 322; Celtic survivals in, 320; dialect of, 324, 327; Frisians in, 318, 322, 326; inheritance in, 152, 308 et seq.; Scandinavians in, 307 et seq.; runes in, 328
Norway, ancient districts of, 63, 177; tenure in, 219, 222, 308; inheritance in, 152, 260, 266.
Nottinghamshire, 337 et seq., inheritance in, 348

Obodrites, tribe, 84, 92, 100
Odal, vide Allodial tenure
Odalsret, 308
Offingas, tribe, 288
Ogham inscriptions, 366, 379
Onsteads, 331
-ore place-names, 204, 376
Ostrogoths, Osgothi, 54, 138, 182, 198
Oxfordshire, 264, 269 et seq., 275; Chaucian place-names in, 273; homesteads in, 278; Kentish settlers in, 275

Parage or parcenary tenure, 217, 235, 276, 312, 347
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