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General Index.

:Hertfordshire, 103, 105 et seq., 116, 344, 345; Wends in, 105, 116
Hertha place-names, 240
Hertha, 239, 240
Heru, 20
Hetware tribe, 270
Hoc- place-names, 78, 268, 272, 302, 345
Hocings, people, 73, 77, 268, 272, 291, 302, vide Chaucians
Homesteads, form of, 10; collected, 195, 243, 278, 334, 350; isolated, 195, 243, 350, 367, 387
Holm place-names, 356, 371
Hope, -op, place-names, 219, 332, 375, 376
Hun, personal name, 82
Hun, Huni, place-names, 74, 326, 360, 383
Hundred, the, 162, 173, 206; Court, 164, 175; names, 174
Hunni people, vide Hunsing
Hunse, Hunte, people, 326
Hunsing people, 73, 75, 82, 318, 360, 383
Huntanga tribe, 73, 74, 82, 230, 345
Huntingdonshire, 345, 346; homesteads in, 350
‘Husbands’ in Northumbria, 333
Huscarls, 47, 233, 260, 343
Hwicci, tribe, 178, 339

Inheritance, customs of, 144 et seq.; systems of, 156, 160; eldest daughter, 152, 202, 225, 259, 266, 309, 312, 341, 365; gavelkind, 144 et seq., 158, 182, 251; junior right, 146, 156, 160; partible, 154 et seq., 182; primogeniture, 153, 154, ‘principals’ in, 202; in Frisia, 155, 158; in Germany, 148, 157, 199; in Norway, 152, 154, 308; Slavonic, 150; in Kent, 156, 158, 160, 182; in London, 250 et seq.; in Sussex, 196, 202; in Wales, 183, 389 et seq.
-ing, -ingas, place-names, 4, 5, 77, 172 et seq., 231
Isle of Wight, 60, 181, 214, 217, 219

Junior right, 99, 146, 151, 160; in England, 146, 151, 196, 205, 256, 258, 276, 289, 318, 335, 337, 348, 379; in France and Belgium, 148; in Slavonic settlements in Germany, 148, 149
Justice, courts of 175, 176
Jutes, 49 et seq., 60, 181, 184, 214, 263; homes of the, 50; other names of, 49, 181

Kent, 181 et seq.; cottars in, 263; ancient divisions of, 193; freedom of people of, 187, 191; inheritance in, 156, 158, 182, 196, 251, 253; Frisians in, 183, 186, 201; Goths in, 182 et seq.; Laetas in, 189; language of, 274; tenure in, 184; monetary computation in, 193
Kentish customs in London, 250; settlers, 248, 261, 262, 265, 359, 372
Kentish Men, 192
Kindred, degrees of, 171; settlements of, 163, 167, 172, 282; responsibility of, 173

Lætas, Laeti, 133, 189 et seq.
Lahmen, 292, 374, 388
Lancashire, 316, 325, 333
Lapps, 127, 133
Leicestershire, 335 et seq., 347; Danes in, 337; homesteads in, 350
Lett, Lech, race, 127, 133, 137, 330
Liberty of the Soke, 279
Lincolnshire, 294 et seq.; ancient organisation of, 299; -by place-names in, 295 et seq., 300; tribal place-names in, 302; Wintr place-names in, 305
Lindisware, tribe, 294, 338
Lithuanians, race, 127, 133, 243
Livonia, 131, 133; well-worship in, 137
Livonian people, 49, 133, 137
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