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By the Same Author.

ORIENTAL RELIGIONS, and their Relation to Universal Religion. — India. 8vo. 802 pages. $5.00.

"Samuel Johnson's remarkable work is devoted wholly to the religions and civilization of India; is the result of twenty years' study and reflection by one of the soundest scholars and most acute thinkers of New England; and must be treated with all respect, whether we consider its thoroughness, its logical reasoning, or the conclusion — unacceptable to the majority, no doubt—at which it arrives." —Springfield Republican.

"The reader who is curious in the history of opinions will hardly find a more instructive guide in the obscure labyrinth into which he is tempted by the study of Oriental reasonings and fancies. Mr. Johnson has thoroughly mastered the subject of which he treats, by the thoughtful researches of many years."— New-York Tribune.

"The comprehensiveness of its scope, its careful summaries and analyses, make it an addition to the literature of theology that cannot fail of attracting the attention, and provoking the criticism, of scholars; while it will not be found either too recondite or too obscure for the thoughtful general reader."—Boston Transcript.

"A book of which every American scholar has reason to be proud."—T. W. Higginson.


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