Governor Geer's record as governor was an enviable one. He discharged the duties of the office with marked ability and to the satisfaction of our people. After the expiration of his term as governor he en- gaged in newspaper work, being editor of The Statesman for a time. He was well adapted for the position of editor, as he was a writer of ability. His book, "Fifty Years in Oregon," is a fine pioneer history of the settlement of our state. It shows what talent Mr. Geer had for reminis- cences and events which transpired in our early history. It is on interesting record of the formation and growth of Oregon. Governor Geer was a pioneer and came from a-noted pioneer family, his parents and many of his relatives taking part in the pioneer settlement of this common- wealth. In his political career he was untiring in his efforts to accomplish for the people every possible good. He was sincere and honest in demanding what was right and just for the welfare of our citizens. No governor of our state discharged the responsible duties of his office better than Governor Geer. His acts were in accordance with the highest dictates of the gentleman and the well wishes of his constituents. Marion county and the state of Oregon will long remember his ability and loyalty to our growing state. His education in the schools was somewhat limited, but through his individual and earnest efforts as a student he acquired a splendid knowledge of the world which caused him to be well equipped for the duties he was called upon to discharge in the various private and public positions in life. The beautiful and classic surroundings of his home in the Waldo Hills tended to inspire him with an ambition which was commensurate with his ability to fill. Mr. Greer was a charming personality. He was