75 the employ of the Northwesterners and set a precedent for future importations under the H. B . C . regime. In 1824 a number of Hawaiians took part in the McMillan expedition ordered by Governor Simpson to explore the coast from Astoria to the mouth of the Fraser river. 7 Numbers of the Hawaiians continued in Oregon as boatmen, laborers, gardeners, millmen, 8 miners, 9 cooks and at least one preacher. An abundant pioneer literature refers to them as acting in these vocations, either as em- ployees of the Hudson's Bay Company, or as independent citizens. 10 7 Bancroft, Northwest Coast, II , p. 464. 8 Ross, Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon and Columbia River. (1843). Ross mentions their suffering from cold. The H. B . C . sawmill in 1838 used 28 men, chiefly Kanakas, (Sen. Doc, 25 Cong., 2nd sess., Vol. 5, doc. 470; Je. 6, 1838. 9 "Mining Laws of Jackson County. " Ore. Hist. Quarterly, XXIII, p. 139, n. 3. 10 Nisgually Journal," in Washington Historical Quarterly, 1920 , ff . , passim. (ii)Deady, History of Oregon, MS. in Bancroft Library, U . of Calif. (iii) Harvey, Life of Dr. John McLoughlin, MS. Bancroft Library. (iv) Anderson, "Vancouver Reservation Case," in Oregon Historical Quarterly, VIII, p . 223. (v) Hodge, Handbook of American Indians, I, p. 539. This gives a mention to the Hawaiian (Kanaka) influence. The above are some of the more important sources in the bibliography I have collected on the subject. —G. V. B.