FRED LOCKLEY Russian War was fought on Louisiana rice. Not only that but the price of rice advanced from 2% cents to 7 cents a pound, so it brought a great deal of prosperity to the planters of Louisiana. The high price of rice also caused the introduction of rice growing into Texas. So you see that no man liveth unto himself alone. "Once more, I had almsot forgotten the incident when I was notified that I had been given the title of Baron and the Japanese government was bestowing upon me the Decoration of the Rising Sun. The first man to re- ceive this decoration in the United States was President Eliot of Harvard. I was the second one to receive the decoration. Colonel Roosevelt was the third, President Taft the fourth, General Pershing the fifth, and a few months ago it was bestowed upon W. D . Wheelwright, so there are only six men who have had this decoration bestowed upon them in the United States—so I am in j good company. The decoration carries with it many im-1 munities and privileges in Japan. At the time I had charge of the Oregon exhibit in Japan I was fortunate in making many warm friends among the Japanese. "At the Lewis & Clark Fair I was director of ex- hibits and privileges and was also in charge of the Oregon exhibit at the Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition, and I helped prepare and organize the Oregon exhibit for the Panama-Pacific Exposition. "You asked me a moment or two ago about my child- ren. I have had ten children. Our first child; Marie Louise, was born in Canyon City and died when she was a little girl. Ernest Pierre, my next child, is with a steamship company here in Portland. Lily died eight years ago. John Baptiste and Henry Ernst, our twins, died when they were three years old, of whooping cough. My daughter Camille and my little grandson were killed I four years ago at Bertha Station by a collision between two electric trains. Arno was my next boy. The next children were twins, Roswell and Walter. Walter died