industry has grown until we now have 14,000 acres here in the Willamette Valley set to walnuts. No I didnt make any money on it—in fact, I didn't expect to make money. I did it for the love of it and to introduce a new industry to Oregon. I helped organize the Oregon Horti- cultural Society 40 years ago. Dr. J . A . Cardwell, an en- thusiastic horticulturist, became the first president of the society and continued as president for 20 years. E. R . Lake, now of Washington, D. C, was the first secretary. I am the sole surviving member of the State Horticultural Society of Oregon, organized 20 years ago. I am also the only member of the State Board of Horticulture appointed 34 years ago by Governor Pennoyer. I am now serving my fourth term as secretary of the State Board of Horti- culture. My first term was served as successor to George Lambertson. I next succeeded John Minto. H. M . Wil- liamson was then elected and served for 11 years. In 1888 I served as post commander of Garfield Post G. A . R. This post was organized 42 years ago and there are only three of the 36 charter members now living. Judge J. H . Northrup, H. F . Lamb and myself. Prior to the World's Fair in Chicago I went to Salem and secured the passage of a law authorizing the appoint- ment of a commission to represent Oregon at the World's Fair. Governor Pennoyer had no use for commissions. He told me that he would appoint a commissioner, but that I would have to serve alone and he could thus place responsibility. When the legislature passed the law which I had urged, Governor Pennoyer vetoed it. Once more I went to the bat with the legislators and the bill was passed over his veto, and I was authorized to name the commissioners. One of the first men I named was Dr. J. A. Cardwell, for no one in Oregon was more entitled to a place on the commission than Dr. Cardwell. Oregon took sweepstakes for the entire United States on grain. Look up the records of the World's Fair and you will find that we took 17 gold medals, receiving the highest awards