Portland and The Dalles Wagon Road Co. , has road between The Dalles and a point one mile below the lower landing at the Cascades, 226. Princess Royal, movements of while in command of Quimper with orders to restore to James Colnett, 37-52 . Proctor, A. Phimister, designer of "The Circuit Rider," 99 . Quimper, Don Manuel, in command of the Princess Royal, 40-52 . Reed, John, biographical sketch of and account of visit to Willamette country, 305. Ross, Alexander, biographical sketch of, 300; his "Adventures on the Columbia River" gives facts concerning early days on the Willamette, 300. s Salt Cairn at Seaside, 294. " Sliding Mountain," 231,234. Stevens, Charles W. , designer of the first Oregon locomotive, 198 . Stuart, Robert, biographical sketch of and account of his visit to the Wil- lamette valley, 301 -2 . United States builds canal and locks at the Cascades, 233-4 . Van Bergen, Captain J. 0 ., early steam- boat operator on the Columbia and first to navigate steamboat between The Dalles and the Cascades with Oregon portage, 175, 177, 184-5 . Vancouver, Fort, commemoration of cen- tenary of founding planned, 294. Villard, Henry, 233, 330-352 . w Walla Walla and Columbia River Rail- road bought by the O. S. N. Co., 233. Wallace, William, biographical sketch of and account of his visit to the Wil- lamette country, 304-6 . Willamette, Early Days on the, 295-312; the different Lewis and CHark expe- dition records referring to the ex- ploration of the Willamette river, 295- 300; the Franchere "Narrative" ref- erences, 300-6; the Alexander Henry record, 306-9; the locations of the first house or trading post built by the whites on the Willamette, 309 -11 . Willamette River Transportation Co., combined with the O. S. N. Co., 233.