improvement, 326; the career of Wil- liam Tichenor, 327-9; the roll of honor, 329. Holladay, Ben, is entrusted with the East Side Company, 253 -9; his meth- ods, 272; gets the West Side Com- pany, 273; gets control of the East Side Company and reorganizes it as the Oregon and California, secures loan and completes road as far as Roseburg, 274-83. Hudson's Bay Company, contract for Hawaiian labor, 72 . Idealism, its role in Oregon history, 79-80. 84-5. Keisel, Fred, comes west to Salt Lake City with Colonel Henry Ernst Dosch in 1861, 55-6 . Lewis and Clark Expedition, records, 295-6. Locomotive, "Oregon Pony," 197-202; transferred to The Dalles, 218; sold to David Hewes of San Francisco, 218 -9 . M McCartney, H. M ., engineer in charge of construction activities on the O. S . N . railroad at the Oregon Portage, 232-3 . McGillis, Donald, biographical sketch of and account of his visit to the Willam- ette country, 302. McKay, Alexander, biographical sketch of and notice of visit to Willamette, 301. McKenzie, Donald, biographical sketch of and account of his visit to Wil- lamette country, 303; the east fork is now named for him, 303. McNemees and Tetherows, The, With the Migration of 1S45, 353-77; the fourth house and first butcher in Portland, 353; the first hotel, 353; pipes for Portland's first water system, 353;* conditions in Portland after the ex- odus of 1848, 353-4; the McNemees and connections, 354; experiences on the Meek cutoff, 354-6; the Blue Bucket Mine, 355-6; claim to site of Portland contested, 357; Rev. J . H . Wilbur solicits funds for building the Taylor Street Methodist Church, 357; Sam Tetherow of Dallas, 358; Sol Tetherow and other officers of emigra- tion trains of 1845, 358-9; Sam Teth- erow's experiences in the Indian war of 1855-6 , 359-62; packs supplies to mines, 362; the Tetherow tribe, 363; the Hiltibrand people, 363-4; the Cap- tain Tetherow journal, including con- stitution and other documents of Ore- gon emigration, 365 -77 . McTavish, J. G., of N. W. Co., arrives at Astoria, Oct. 1813 , with company and catch of furs, 306. Matthews, William W. , biographical sketch of and account of visit to Wil- lamette country, 303 . N Necrology of Oregon Pioneers, 383 -95. News and Comment, 294; 378-82 . Northern Pacific Railroad gains control of the Oregon Steam Navigation Com- pany, 223-5; makes proposals for pur- chasing right of way through the Ore- gon portage, 228-9 . Ordway's Journal, excerpts from refer- ring to exploration of the Willamette, 299. Oregon and California Railroad, The His- tory of the, 236-83; 330-52; to con- serve the unity of the vast nation after 1846 a transcontinental railroad was required, 236-7; impetus for Ore- gon railroad building supplied from California, 237; railroads prior to 1863, 237-8; the Elliott and Barry surveys begun, 239-40; California and Oregon Railroad Company organized, 240; the Elliott survey, 241 -3; the Barry survey, 243-8; Oregon and Cal- ifornia Railroad Company incorporated, 248-9; the land grant struggle, 248-9; two Oregon Central railroad companies organized (the "East Side" and the " West Side") , 250-2; both companies begin construction, 253; Ben Holladay is entrusted with the East Side com- pany, 253 -4; struggle in the legisla- ture over the redesignation of com- pany to receive land grant from Con- gress, 258-9; aids to East Side com- pany, 260-2; aids to West Side com- pany, 262-4; financing of East Side company, 264 -9; financing West Side company, 269 -72; other railroad pro- jects, 272-4; West Side wins right to name, "Oregon Central Railroad Com- pany," 274-6; Holladay secures loan from German capitalists but conditions prevent completion of road to state line, 276-8; rate troubles and dis- appointing earnings, 278-80; where the proceeds of the loan went to, 281- 2; estimate of the work of Holladay, 282-3; Henry Villard's early career and character, 330-1; as agent for German bondholders attempts to con- serve their interests, 331-3; the road failing to increase traffic and net earn- ings, a reorganization was effected with the Holladay stock eliminated, 333; the Oregon and Transcontinental formed gains control of the Northern Pacific, becomes involved, so Oregon and California mileage extended but not completed and Villard fails, 333-6; Oregon and California goes into hands of receiver, 336; leased by Southern Pacific and merged and completed, 336-7; Southern Pacific violates terms of land ' grant, 337; land grant for- feited, 339 -41; railroads have new competition with carriers on paved [399]