FRED LOCKLEY ill OREGON SOCIETY CONSTITUTION At a meeting of the emigrants intending to go to Oregon held at Wolf River on the 5th day of May 1845 William Held was called to the chair & Lewis Thomson Seer.—a nd a Committee of seven men elected to draw resolutions &c for the adoption of the company viz David Carson Solomon Tetherow James Officer William Wil- son Nicholas Ownbey William Dawson Robert Miller Committee. Art. 1st This society shall be known by the Oregon emigrating Company. Art. 2nd The majority in all cases shall rule. Art. 3rd The officers of this company shall consist of a Captain two lieutenants Secretary Treasurer & In- spector, an executive Council of 12 men the Captain shall be chairman, all other sub officers shall be determined by the Executive Council and the Executive Council shall have the general superintendence of the Company. Art. 4th The Officers & men shall come under the Military law of the United States. Art. 5th Any man going to sleep on duty or deserting his post without leave The executive Council shall deter- mine the fine or punishment. Art. 6th The Treasurer shall collect safely keep & disburse the money in the treasury at the discretion of the executive Council. Art. 7th The Executive Council shall lay on an ad- valorem tax on property for the purpose of defraying expenses—all private property exempted. Wm. Dawson Chairman Art. 8th Whenever repeated complaints shall be made to the Executive Council, of the inefficiency of any of the officers of the company it shall be their duty to cause him to resign.
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