365 Portland public schools. He commenced teaching Decem- ber 15, 1851, and taught until the summer of 1853. He served as county school superintendent of Polk county and also of Union county. My husband weighed about 150 pounds. He was 5 feet 8 inches in height and had light hair and blue eyes. "After our marriage my husband taught school at Amity, Dallas, Union and La Grande. We went to La Grande in 1870. He taught there for the next five years, and then took a school at Union. "You said you wanted to copy my grandfather's Journal. Here it is. It has been used later as a receipt book and an account book, and a good many of the pages have been torn out; but the first part of the Journal is intact."
I took Captain Tetherow's Journal to my home and copied it and compared my copy with the original, so I can vouch for the accuracy of the following interesting records which add much to one's knowledge of the per- sonnel of the Sol Tetherow wagon train, and which also gives a vivid picture of the preparation made in the early Forties for the long and toilsome trip by ox team and prairie schooner across the plains to far-off Oregon. OREGON SOCIETY. CONSTITUTION, &c. At a meeting of a number of persons wishing to emi- grate to Oregon, held at Elizabethtown on the fifth day of April 1845, The Rev. Wm. Helm being called to the chair & the Rev. Lewis Thompson being elected secretary The following constitution was adopted The committee that had been previously appointed reported as follows:— Whereas—in order the better to prepare the way for & accomplish our journey to Oregon with greater har- mony it was deemed advisable to adopt certain rules & regulations resolved therefore—