FRED LOCKLEY wounded in the battle of New Orleans. My grandfather, John Hiltibrand, settled in Kentucky, but later moved to Ohio, where my father was born. When my father was eleven years old, his father went back to Kentucky, where they lived until 1842, when they moved to Mis- souri. In 1845, when father was 22, he started across the plains for Oregon, in company with Stephen and Isaac Statts. My father was one of ten children. When he came to Oregon he took up a donation land claim five miles south of Monmouth. On July 3, 1846, my father and mother were married at the home of my mother's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Tetherow. My mother, whose maiden name was Evaline Tetherow, crossed the plains in 1845. Her father was captain of the wagon train. My uncle, Sam Tetherow, of Dallas, who is 88, is the last of the children now living. "I was their first child and was born March 26, 1847. I believe I was the first white girl baby born in Polk county, and I am the oldest native born daughter of Polk county now living. When I was nine months old my father sold his squatter's rights to the place he had taken up and paid $300 to Porter Lock for 640 acres a mile to the south of his first place on the Luckiamute. He later bought an adjoining piece of land consisting of 466 acres; so it gave him a good sized place. He raised stock and engaged in mixed farming. I attended Christian college at Monmouth. Later I attended Dallas Academy. "When I was 18 I married Professor John Py Out- house. We were married March 27, 1865, by Rev. H. M. Waller. My husband was born in Nova Scotia in 1828, so he was 19 years older than I when we were married. My husband was one of a family of twelve children, all of whom stayed in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick ex- cept himself. He went to California in 1849, when he was 21. From there he came up to Portland, and when the public school was organized here in Portland he was employed at $100 a month as the first teacher of the if-.