Leslie M. Scott
Gibbs, William H. Dall and Albert Gatschet. Other scientific writers on these subjects include Horatio Hale, Albert Buell Lewis, James C. Pilling, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft.
"Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico," edited by F. W . Hodge, United States Bureau of American Ethnology, is an indispensable book of reference on tribes and their history sources. George Gibbs, Horation Hale and James C. Pilling have furnished treatises and vocabularies of the Chinook jargon, the Indians' common trade language, which have been supplemented by numerous publications and dictionaries of the jargon published by private enterprises, including those of John Gill, George C. Shaw, C. M . Tate, Walter S. Phillips, Franz Boas and Frederick J. Long. Still others who have contributed to this subject are W. F. Tolmie, Myron Eels and Modeste Demers. Reports of Indian agents and superintendents and correspondence of governmental departments, afford a voluminous yet not easily accessible record. The record of the fur trade period contains immense information about habits, customs and characteristics of the Indians. Washington Irving, in his "Astoria;" Ross Cox, Alexander Ross, Gabriel Franchere; the journals of Ogden, Work and David Thompson; James G. Swan, in his "Northwest Coast," published in 1857, give much information; also Wilkes' Narrative of 1841. The best American narrative is H. M. Chittenden's "History of American Fur Trade of the Far West." Lawrence J. Burpee's "Search for the Western Sea" is a monumental work, being a British history.
Pioneer routes and means of travel and progress of the railroad to the Pacific Coast, especially of the Union Pacific and the Northern Pacific, including Pacific Railroad Reports, diplomacy of the Oregon question in the time of John Quincy Adams, who formulated the Monroe doctrine, and in the time of Presidents Tyler and Polkāall this suggests undeveloped material in government arch-